A Way Through: Healing From Loss. A Workbook.

“After working with this guide to grief recovery, I realized how much my best friend’s death over 20 years ago  is still affecting me and how terrible I feel for abandoning her daughter because my grief was so intense.  I contacted her and even after all these years the healing between us is taking place, and I feel such profound relief and gratitude.”    Pam.

After reading What Obituaries Don’t Tell You:  Conversations About Life and Death, many people suggested that a workbook to accompany the book would be a good idea.  They said that the stories brought back memories of their own losses, most of which they had not been able to work through and heal from, and a workbook would give people an opportunity to tell their own story and work through the grief.  Thus the workbook, A Way Through:  Healing From Loss was born.

What’s in the book?  The book is divided into three parts.  Part I is a guide to healing through loss from a death.  There are questions to answer with suggestions that you first write the answers and then discuss them.  The discussions can be in classrooms, with your therapist or spiritual advisor, and with friends and families.  One set of questions has the reader mark the feelings and behaviors when he or she first heard about the death, then answer the same questions several months or years afterwards.  This gives the reader the opportunity to see where they are in their grief work and recovery and what still needs to be addressed.

Life and death are the bookends to our lives, but in between there are many losses that may occur.  These losses are in and of themselves little (or big) deaths and need as much attention and healing as loss through death.  Part II is a guide to healing through these other losses, using the same question, answer, and review process as in Part I.

Part III is a list of over 80 resources and self-help techniques for healing.

How will it help me?  Many people say that you never truly heal from a loss but it is possible to make great progress in restoring one’s own life through the emotional work that you do.  The workbook provides the steps and resources to guide you through the journey.  For the deepest healing to occur the author believes that in conjunction with the workbook, working with someone  who can act as a guide and support system is important.  Grief counselors, grief groups, and therapists who work with trauma are recommended.


Author contact information:  kfweymouthphd@gmail.com

Available for purchase from Amazon.com, Balboa Press, or by request from your local bookstore.

Signed copies available for purchase from Dr. Weymouth by clicking on Buy Book above.

Special discounts are available through the publisher for some professionals.  Please contact  Dr. Weymouth for details.